
The Dingo is a breed of wild dog native to Australia. Some of their most distinctive characteristics are their short, dense, sand-colored coat, pointed ears and long muzzle. They are intelligent and highly adaptable, making them excellent predators and survivors in their natural habitat.

General details

Dogs of the breed are of medium size and athletic appearance. Weight ranges from 13 to 24 kilograms, while height varies between 52 and 60 centimeters. The life expectancy of this breed is not well documented, as it is a wild dog breed and does not usually live in captivity, however, it is believed that they can live between 10 and 12 years. They are not recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI).

Breed history in brief

The Dingo is a breed of wild dog native to Australia that is estimated to have arrived in the country more than 3,450 years ago. Dingoes have lived with the Australian Aborigines for millennia, establishing a close relationship. The Aborigines used the breed for a variety of tasks, including hunting, companionship and spiritual purposes. Dingoes are Australia's top predators and prey on a wide variety of animals, including cows and sheep. In the 19th century, European settlers began to view Dingoes as a threat to their livestock and began hunting and poisoning them. As a result, the population declined and they were declared a pest species in several areas of Australia. Today, the breed is an important part of Australia's biodiversity and they are protected in some areas. However, there is still controversy over how to manage their conservation, as some consider them a threat to wildlife and the livestock industry.

Breed characteristics

The Dingo is a dog with a slender and robust body. The shoulder joints are flexible, allowing them to climb difficult terrain. The skull is wedge-shaped and appears large in comparison to the rest of the body. The muzzle is pointed, the ears are erect and the tail is bushy. The eyes are almond-shaped and can be of different shades of brown. The coat is usually short and rough, with a dense undercoat that acts as a thermal insulator. The three main coat colorations are light red or tan, black and tan, and creamy white. The coat may vary according to the Dingo's place of residence. Temperamentally, the Dingo is an intelligent and independent breed. They are able to adapt to a wide variety of environments, from the rugged Australian outback to urban settings. They are also very skilled hunters and have a strong prey drive, which can make training and socialization difficult. Dingoes are known for their strong herd instincts and are very social animals.

Common health problems

The Dingo is a wild dog breed that does not have an established breed standard in the major kennel clubs, and therefore, limited information is available on the genetic health problems of the breed. However, being close relatives of domestic dogs, they share certain health conditions such as hip dysplasia or dental problems.

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